Friday, June 22, 2007

Oh BOY, Thanks!

There have been many responses to my blog about our boy-to-be. They've all been good, blog or other means.

A quick thank you. I'm glad you like babies, too.

God's most important and impressive action since creation was in the form of a baby boy.

No wonder the world grins at Christmas--and with the birth of babes universally.

PS Today was my mother's birthday. That gives even more meaning to all of this. Thanks, Mom.
Emmanuel, God with us.

For our family Advent is coming and so is our grandson!

November, November!

One more thing, today (June 22nd) was my mother's birthday. That makes all of this more important today. Thanks, Mom.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

He's a Boy With a Name!!

Daphne and Eric were fascinated as the words of Isaiah embossed the true miracle of God creating new life with them day before yesterday. The doctor's gliding camera saw the invisible. A tiny baby BOY'S skeleton captivated Daphne's and Eric's eyes and hearts.

Think about it. A vague and foggy image called an ultrasound proves there's new life where no one can see him otherwise. Clearly, this is a crisp new photograph that is true each time a baby comes along.

Isaiah 43:1

We are thrilled to learn there will be a fresh new male Coomer arriving in November... We just learned about it yesterday and had to try to be quiet about it temporarily.

I think we can survive that. Great-granddaddy is full of joy. This event will really be a joy buster for sure.

Oh, by the way, this grandfather-in-the-making is both jittery with joy and bowing in adoration. He who is coming in to our family is also bringing worship of the creator of life itself.

There are no words for that! Like the Hebrews of old, there simply is no word holy enough to name our G-d, until we know the baby of Bethlehem.

Praise God! Praise Jesus! Praise The Ever-present Holy Spirit!

God is With Us!

Bumpety Trudy Bumpety

The latest on Trudy is good. She can choose whether to use the cane, but is doing well at walking with a slight bumpety in her stride. The therapist and doctor are encouraging about her knee, etc. She starts therapy at Pinnacle on Friday morning. Keep that in your prayers.

She has eaten very well overall. Her mouth is sore because of cold sores in the upper part. However, she has eaten some freshly baked cookies with some orange sherbet and is feeling better.

There's a hot cherry pie on the kitchen table waiting to be eaten. The dishwasher is loaded with clean dishes. There's also a clean load of towels waiting in the dryer. So far keeping up has been hard, but tonight turned out well.

I've stayed busy, but her bed lamp is on by the turned back red sheets on the bed. Tully has been out and is sleeping quietly on the recliner across from. I'm wrapping up the blog and putting it to bed for the night. Just notice the next brief message and see why we expect pleasant dreams.


Monday, June 18, 2007

Bumpety Bump

I've had big password problems due to a computer glitch. I hope I'm about over the bump on that. However, it took so much time that I had to go prepare a supper that is overdue.

Life seems that way, bumpety bump and a few more bumps.

Trudy is improving quickly and sees her surgeon tomorrow. She's graduating from the walker to a cane and her impatience with being a patient is graduating, as well. The knee replacement was two weeks ago today. (Our wedding was forty-one years ago the twenty-fifth--a week from today.)

The bumps in the road are accentuated by the mountain-tops. What is glorious one day may bring deep pain the next. We get through them all, but a living faith definitely brings added strengths for the trip--The Journey.

I must run. The bump is a stove this time and the phone call I just got reminds me to travel on.

If you read this, please spell and grammar check. I have to run.

That's the journey of life. Isn't it?

I hope you are traveling well today.

God bless.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Update on Huccups and Burps


Just a very quick report. Trudy's surgery went well. She is having a little difficulty with blood sugar, etc. However they are on to it and hopefully will have that handled tomorrow.

We are to make a decision tomorrow about where she will be next, perhaps an exended-care nursing home; but we have to have one that insurance covers and has an opening. Please pray that we can do this quickly. We can not handle things at home yet.

I'm not worried, but I don't want an "hiccups" getting in the way. Maybe a good burp or two.

She is in a of lot of pain, but faithfully doing the exercises and whatever they tell her to do. She needs more strength and energy. Hopefully tomorrow (Thursday) we will turn the major corner on improvement. Thanks for prayers and cares.

We pray for you, too.

With You,


Monday, June 4, 2007

Prayer! Action! Cut! Prayer!

"Be still. Know that I am God,
a very present help in time of trouble."
Psalm 46

Are your knees shaking?

Trudy's fasting, no food until after the surgery to replace her left knee. They have set he time two hours earlier than originally planned.

Now she can get nervous, but going to sleep is better. Time passes faster that way.

Trudy's twin sister is here. That's a bonus beyond presence; but just being here from Cleveland, Ohio adds tremendous support and encouragement. They are identical twins and are very close. That's good.

Katrina, our daughter, is here, too. That helps. And Eric our son, with his pregnant wife Daphne plan to be here tomorrow. All of that is very important.

I'm here, in one form/condition or another. I'll be the best caregiver I know how to be. Our church and other friends are here in prayer and other ways.

God's here, the Great Physician who will oversee everything. She has good doctors, a new type of procedure that is supposed to be less invasive and better.

God's Holy Spirit gives the call and we trust the rest to
God's active involvement.

Peace and healing be with you; OK, let's roll.


PS Congratulations Cavaliers!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Welcome to The Journey

You have been on a journey from before you were born. God knew you and called you by name into a journey called your future. What you do while on your journey is your choice. I believe God has direction for you to go that will be the most enriching and fulfilling possibilities . Most likely it will involve the very things you really like the best, regardless of what others think. When you listen to the voice inside you that keeps calling, you will be sure the direction to go. I want to share this journey, yours and mine, and I hope you will tell me about your travels, whether by blog comments or email. Let's travel together into the Land of Discovery. WY (With You in The Journey), Harold